In another case reported to the FBI, an unidentified conference attendee paraded a set of swastika tattoos. In one such incident, highlighted by Techradar, an unknown individual joined an online class taking place over Zoom, shouted profanities and revealed the teacher’s personal address. In other words, Zoom is not encryption-encryption, like other messaging platforms like Facebook’s WhatsApp, Signal, and Telegram. ‘ Zoom bombing‘ is a new technique in the wake of COVID-19, where attackers are able to identify, discover, and infiltrate insecure video conferences. With a market valuation of close to $42 billion, up from $16 billion in 2019, Zoom is still having to answer for ‘Zoom bombing’ calls. In recent weeks, the platform has certainly experienced a sharp rise in traffic, with the app downloaded more than 50 million times on the Google Play store alone. Surely by now, you’ve heard of the video distribution and conferencing platform, Zoom, since COVID-19 has forced the world to go digital.